April 2023: Yamaguchi's paper about Zebrafish calaxin was published in eLife.
May 2021: A new paper was published in Microscopy.
January 2021: A new paper was published in Nature.
Sep 2020: A new member joined our lab.
July 2020: A new cryo-EM (Titan Krios G4i) was installed.
Feb. 2020: A new paper about dynein microtubule binding domain was published in Nature Communications.
Nov. 2019: A new paper about mitochondrial import gate complex was published in Nature.
June 2019: A new paper about calaxin was published in Communications Biology
May 2019: A new review paper was published in Trends in Biochemical Sciences
March 2019: A new article was published in Nature Communications.

Our lab studies microtubule-based motors, kinesin and dynein, using cryo-electron microscopy and image analysis.